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With vuepress-plugin-blog2, you can easily bring blog feature into your theme.

How it works

The flowchart above may help you understand its design goal and how the plugin works.

Collecting Articles

The plugin filters all pages using filter option to drop pages you don't want.

By default, all pages generating from Markdown files but not homepage are considered as articles.

You can fully customize pages to collect through option filter, which accepts a function (page: Page) => boolean.

Gathering Info

You should set getInfo option with a function accepting Page as argument and returning an object containing the info you want.

The plugin will collect all the info you want and write them to routeMeta field of each page, so you will be able to get this information through Composition API later.

import { blogPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2";

export default {
  name: "vuepress-theme-xxx",
  plugins: [
      filter: ({ filePathRelative, frontmatter }) => {
        // drop those pages which is NOT generated from file
        if (!filePathRelative) return false;

        // drop those pages in `archives` directory
        if (filePathRelative.startsWith("archives/")) return false;

        // drop those pages which do not use default layout
        if (frontmatter.home || frontmatter.layout) return false;

        return true;

      getInfo: ({ frontmatter, git = {}, data = {} }) => {
        // getting page info
        const info: Record<string, any> = {
          author: || "",
          categories: frontmatter.categories || [],
          date: || git.createdTime || null,
          tags: frontmatter.tags || [],
          excerpt: data.excerpt || "",

        return info;
    // other plugins ...

Customizing Categories and Types

Basically, you would want 2 types of collection in your blog:

  • Category:

    "Category" means grouping articles with their labels.

    For example, each article may have their "categories" and "tags".

  • Type:

    "Type" means identifying articles with conditions.

    For example, you may want to describe some of your articles as diary.

After understanding description of these 2 types, you can set category and type options, each accepts an array, and each element represents a configuration.

Let's start with 2 examples here.

Imagine you are setting tags for each articles with tag field in page frontmatter. You want a tag mapping page in /tag/ with TagMap layout, and group each tag list with tagName in /tag/tagName with TagList layout, you probably need a configuration like this:

import { blogPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2";

export default {
  name: "vuepress-theme-xxx",
  plugins: [
      // other options ...
      category: [
          key: "tag",
          getter: ({ frontmatter }) => frontmatter.tag || [],
          path: "/tag/",
          layout: "TagMap",
          frontmatter: () => ({ title: "Tag page" }),
          itemPath: "/tag/:name/",
          itemLayout: "TagList",
          itemFrontmatter: (name) => ({ title: `Tag ${name}` }),
    // other plugins ...

Also, you may want to star some of your articles, and display them to visitors. When you are setting star: true in frontmatter to mark them, you probably need a configuration like this to display them in /star/ path with StarList layout:

import { blogPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2";

export default {
  name: "vuepress-theme-xxx",
  plugins: [
      // other options ...
      type: [
          key: "star",
          filter: ({ frontmatter }) =>,
          path: "/star/",
          layout: "StarList",
          frontmatter: () => ({ title: "Star page" }),
    // other plugins ...

See, setting these 2 types is easy. For full options, please see Category Config and Type Config.

Using Composition API in Client-side

When generating each page, the plugin will set following information under

interface BlogFrontmatterOptions {
  /** Current type of the page */
  type: "category" | "type";
  /** Unique key under current category or tag */
  key: string;
   * Current category name
   * @description Only available in category item page
  name?: string;

So you can invoke useBlogCategory() and useBlogType() directly, and the result will be the category or type bind to current route.

Also, you can pass key you want as argument, then you will get information bind to that key.

So with node side settings above, you can get information about "tag" and "star" in client side:

TagMap layout:

    <h1>Tag page</h1>
      <li v-for="({ items, path }, name) in">
        <RouterLink :key="name" :to="path" class="category">
          {{ name }}
          <span class="category-num">
            {{ items.length }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBlogCategory } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2";

const categoryMap = useBlogCategory("tag");

TagList layout:

    <h1>Tag page</h1>
    <div class="category-wrapper">
        v-for="({ items, path }, name) in"
        {{ name }}
        <span class="category-num">
          {{ items.length }}
    <div class="article-wrapper" v-if="categoryMap.currentItems">
      <div v-if="!categoryMap.currentItems.length">Nothing in here.</div>
        v-for="{ info, path } in categoryMap.currentItems"
        <header class="title">
              ? `${new Date(}: `
              : "") + info.title
        <hr />
        <div class="article-info">
          <span v-if="" class="author"
            >Author: {{ }}</span
          <span v-if=" && !isTimeline" class="date"
            >Date: {{ new Date( }}</span
          <span v-if="info.category" class="category"
            >Category: {{ info.category.join(", ") }}</span
          <span v-if="info.tag" class="tag"
            >Tag: {{ info.tag.join(", ") }}</span
        <div v-if="info.excerpt" class="excerpt" v-html="info.excerpt" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBlogCategory } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2";

const categoryMap = useBlogCategory("tag");

StarList layout:

  <div class="article-wrapper" v-if="stars.items">
    <div v-if="!stars.items.length">Nothing in here.</div>
      v-for="{ info, path } in stars.items"
      <header class="title">
          (isTimeline ? `${new Date(}: ` : "") +
      <hr />
      <div class="article-info">
        <span v-if="" class="author">Author: {{ }}</span>
        <span v-if=" && !isTimeline" class="date"
          >Date: {{ new Date( }}</span
        <span v-if="info.category" class="category"
          >Category: {{ info.category.join(", ") }}</span
        <span v-if="info.tag" class="tag">Tag: {{ info.tag.join(", ") }}</span>
      <div v-if="info.excerpt" class="excerpt" v-html="info.excerpt" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBlogType } from "vuepress-plugin-blog2/client";

import ArticleList from "../components/ArticleList.vue";
import ParentLayout from "@vuepress/theme-default/layouts/Layout.vue";

const stars = useBlogType("star");

For return types, please see Composition API Return Types.

I18n Support

This plugin adds native i18n support, so your settings will be automatically applied to each language.

For example, if user has the following locales' config, and you are setting the "star" example above:

export default {
  locales: {
    "/": {
      lang: "en-US",
    "/zh/": {
      lang: "zh-CN",

Then /zh/star/ and /star/ will both be available, and only articles under the correct locale will appear.

Generating Excerpt

This plugin provides a built-in excerpt generator, which can be enabled by setting excerpt option to true.

Excerpt introduction

An excerpt is an HTML fragment that is used to display a short description of an article in the blog list, so the excerpt has the following restrictions:

  • It doesn't support any unknown tags (including all Vue components) and Vue syntax, so these contents will be removed when generating. If you have custom components (non-Vue components), set isCustomElement option.
  • Since the snippet is an HTML fragment, you will not be able to import any images via relative paths or aliases, they will be removed directly. If you want to keep images, please use absolute path based on .vuepress/public or full URL to ensure they can be accessed in other places.

The excerpt generator will try to find a valid excerpt separator from markdown contents, if it finds one, it will use content before the separator. The separator is default <!-- more -->, and you can customize it by setting excerptSeparator option.

If it cannot find a valid separator, it will parse content from the beginning of markdown file, and stop till its length reaches a preset value. The value is default 300, and you can customize it by setting excerptLength option.

To choose which page should generate excerpt, you can use excerptFilter option.


Normally you may want to use frontmatter.description if users set them, so you can let filter function return false if frontmatter.description is not empty.